Known issues#
This page collects issues that are known by the developers but they are not yet fixed in the latest release.
Each entry reports also the original issue tracker from GitHub.
Build on github is broken with ‘pulp’ has no attribute ‘list_solvers’ (#435)#
When using showyourwork!, along with the local version you installed on your computer another one will be installed by GitHub for its server-side action in order to compile the final document when you push your changes to the upstream repository.
If you see this error in your workflow logs you need to change what version of showyourwork!
is installed on the GitHub side.
This can be directly done by editing the .github/workflows/build.yml
file saved
in your local showyourwork! article directory.
For example, if you want GitHub to install and use the latest development version of showyourwork!,
then look for the following lines in the build.yml
and build-pull-request.yml
workflow files
and modify the Build the article PDF
step like this,
- name: Build the article PDF
id: build
showyourwork-spec: git+
uses: showyourwork/showyourwork-action@v1
‘variable’ command does not work inside ‘caption{…}’ (#419)#
When putting the \variable{}
command inside (e.g. a figure’s) \caption{}
, then the
corresponding Snakefile
rule will not be triggered.
A workaround is to explicitly define in the showyourwork.yml
that the main
manuscript depends on the output of this Snakefile
rule, ensuring it will always be
executed. Then, \variable{}
will simply work like \include{}
(which may also be
used in this case).
Package ‘showyourwork’ requires a different Python’ (#505)#
This is an error that arises from a change in the conda installation on the remote.
The solution is to add update the version of the Github Action used by the build.yml
and build-pull-request.yml
to use the latest unreleased version of the action:
- name: Build the article PDF
id: build
showyourwork-spec: git+
uses: showyourwork/showyourwork-action@main