Below is a non-exhaustive list of frequently asked questions with suggested answers and solutions. If you don’t find what you’re looking for here, consider taking a look at the issues page on showyourwork! GitHub repo. Also make sure to check out the list of closed issues, where you might find that others have run into your exact problem before. Finally, always make sure you are using the latest version of showyourwork!, as your error could be due to a bug we have since fixed! You can always upgrade to the latest version by running pip install -U showyourwork.

Debugging local builds#

A lot of things can generally go wrong when building an article with showyourwork!. The workflow will try its best to give you an informative error message, but if you can’t figure out what the problem is (or you don’t know how to fix it), consider the following tips:

  • Upgrade showyourwork! by running pip install -U showyourwork.

  • Inspect the build logs. These live in .showyourwork/logs and contain a lot of the verbose output that’s suppressed from the terminal by default (see Logging).

  • Run showyourwork clean or, if that doesn’t help, showyourwork clean --force. These commands remove all build output, which could help resolve issues caused by builds that are interrupted by an error or when the user cancels them halfway. If you don’t want to lose your output, you could also try just deleting the temporary .showyourwork directory (instead of running the clean command), which removes the cache and forces re-evaluation of the build graph.

  • Identify which part of the workflow is causing the problem. Is it during the run of a particular figure script? Consider adding a breakpoint in your code to enable interactive debugging. Or is the problem specific to the LaTeX build step? LaTeX errors, in particular, can be extremely cryptic. Inspect the .showyourwork/logs/tectonic.log file for details. Consider commenting out portions of your manuscript to identify which part is causing the problem.

  • If one of your figures is causing a new error, it can be helpful to temporarily bypass it by placing the old figure output (e.g., the .pdf file) in the src/static directory and commenting out the \script command in the TeX file. This causes showyourwork! to treat the figure as static, preventing it from trying to re-generate it the next time you run showyourwork.

  • Sometimes, cryptic errors can occur if you’ve made a mistake in the config file. Certain settings require a very specific YAML syntax, so please check The showyourwork.yml config file to ensure you’ve provided, e.g., the datasets information correctly.

  • Check the GitHub Issues to see if others have run into the same issue. It’s also worth checking out the closed issues for ones that have already been resolved!

  • If all else fails, feel free to raise a new issue, and we will do our best to get back to you with suggestions promptly.

  • Finally, if you’re really stumped and you suspect the error is in showyourwork! itself, you can try cloning the showyourwork repository and installing showyourwork! in development mode (run python setup.py develop inside the repository), which will allow you to tinker with the code, add breakpoints, print statements, etc.

Debugging remote builds#

If your article build works locally but fails on GitHub Actions, a few different things could be going on.

  • A common cause is you forgot to push a particular script to the remote, so make sure you don’t have any unstaged changes, and that your .gitignore files aren’t preventing you from committing necessary files.

  • It’s also useful to make sure you’ve provided all the necessary repository secrets, such as SANDBOX_TOKEN, which is used to access the Zenodo Sandbox API to download files from the remote cache. See Zenodo integration for details. If you’re reproducing someone else’s article and don’t have access to their API token, you can either set run_cache_rules_on_ci to true in the config file to allow running cached rules on GitHub Actions (see The showyourwork.yml config file), or you can switch to a cache deposit you have read/write access to. To do this, delete the zenodo.yml file at the root of the repository and run showyourwork cache create (after making sure you’ve defined the $SANDBOX_TOKEN environment variable; see Zenodo integration). Run the workflow locally to populate the cache, then commit and push your results. If you’ve provided the SANDBOX_TOKEN repository secret on GitHub (see Zenodo integration), the workflow should now be able to access the Sandbox cache.

  • A different issue potentially affecting remote builds is hysteresis in your local workflow: for example, you may have built your article successfully, then deleted one of the scripts needed to generate a figure. The next time you build your article, the build could succeed since the figure output is present and there are no new instructions specifying how to build it (because the input file was deleted). On the remote, however, where the output file does not exist, you will get a build failure. You can avoid these sorts of issues by setting require_inputs to true in the config file (see The showyourwork.yml config file), although in recent versions of showyourwork! that should already be the default.

  • Another issue has to do with the fact that showyourwork! uses conda environments instead of actual containers or virtual machines. Conda environments are not always free of contamination from packages installed in the global scope. For instance, one can import a package from outside the workflow’s isolated conda environment by tinkering with the $PATH environment variable within a Python script. Such a workflow could succeed locally but fail on the remote, where that package may not be present in the global environment. This can especially be a problem if you are using tools, packages, or software that are not managed by conda. In that case, make sure you are also installing them and making them available to the GitHub Actions runner. An example of this is covered below in Rendering LaTeX in matplotlib, where matplotlib may require access to a full LaTeX installation to render LaTeX strings. Such builds will fail on the remote unless LaTeX is manually installed in the workflow YAML file.

  • Finally, one can mimic the behavior of the remote build by setting the CI=true environment variable prior to running showyourwork. Depending on the nature of the error, it could also make sense to look into tools that allow direct interaction with the runner on GitHub Actions, such as action-tmate.


If you run your workflow and interrupt it (e.g., by hitting Ctrl + C) while a rule is being executed, or if an error in your code causes the workflow to fail, you may end up with a situation where Snakemake marks some of your output files as “incomplete”. This is useful in cases where the interruption may have corrupted those files. Snakemake tries to be conservative about this, and requires users to either re-run the problematic rule or manually mark the files as incomplete. When this happens, showyourwork tells the user:

If you are sure that certain files are not incomplete, mark them as complete with

  showyourwork --cleanup-metadata <filenames>

To re-generate the files rerun your command with the --rerun-incomplete flag.

Sometimes, however, the --cleanup-metadata argument does not successfully clean up the incomplete files. This may be due to either an issue with Snakemake (see here and here) or an issue with showyourwork! (see here); we’re still looking into how to fix this.

If you find yourself stuck trying to cleanup the metadata (in cases where you would like to keep your current output files), you can try manually deleting the folder .snakemake/incomplete, which keeps track of that metadata. Alternatively, you can manually delete all of the problematic output files, which will trigger a re-run of the corresponding rule.

Issues due to git#

The showyourwork! workflow relies heavily on command line calls to git. The pipeline is tested for git>=2.24.0, so certain issues may arise with older versions. For instance, prior to version 0.3.0.dev9 of showyourwork, the current git branch was determined by running git branch --show-current, an option that was only introduced in git==2.22.0 and led to strange behavior on platforms running older versions of git. This issue has since been addressed, but there may be others that you might encounter if your git is significantly out of date. You can always check which version of git you are using by running git --version, and upgrade it if needed using homebrew (MacOS) or apt-get (Linux).

Permissions errors in GitHub Actions#

If you try to build a showyourwork! article from a repository fork on GitHub Actions, you may run into the following error when the action attempts to push the results to the -pdf branch:

Uploading output
Switched to a new branch 'main-pdf'
[main-pdf (root-commit) 224ecfd] force-push article output
2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 arxiv.tar.gz
create mode 100644
remote: Permission to $USER/$REPO.git denied to github-actions[bot].
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/$USER/$REPO/': The requested URL returned error: 403

This happens because the default GitHub Actions permissions for the GITHUB_TOKEN secret are set to restricted for repository forks. To get the build to work, go to


and change the permissions to permissive:


Rendering LaTeX in matplotlib#

When plotting with matplotlib, if you run into errors that look like

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'latex'


RuntimeError: Failed to process string with tex because latex could not be found

you are probably missing a proper latex installation. Recall that showyourwork! uses tectonic to build your article, which is not compatible with matplotlib. Instead, you’ll have to install a separate TeX distribution, such as TeXLive or MiKTeX. The same applies to runs on GitHub actions.

The simplest workaround is to disable LaTeX rendering in matplotlib:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams.update({"text.usetex": False})

Math-mode strings can still be parsed using the built-in matplotlib renderer, and in most cases this will do what you need. In some cases, however, the built-in renderer may not cut it. If you really need a proper LaTeX installation, you’ll have to do a bit of extra work to get your build to pass on GitHub Actions. First, add the following step to the build.yml and build-pull-request.yml workflows in your .github/workflows folder, just before the showyourwork! build step:

- name: Install TinyTex for matplotlib LaTeX rendering
  id: tinytex
  shell: bash -l {0}
  run: |
    wget -qO- "https://yihui.org/tinytex/install-bin-unix.sh" | sh
    sudo ~/bin/tlmgr install type1cm cm-super

This will install TinyTex, a very lightweight TeX distribution that should provide everything you need. Note that this step also installs the type1cm and cm-super LaTeX packages, which may be required by matplotlib. You can specify additional packages in the same line if needed.

Then, in order for matplotlib to execute latex, the ~/bin path needs to be in the system $PATH. This variable gets overwritten when running scripts inside isolated conda environments (as showyourwork! does), so you’ll need to add ~bin to the $PATH within your Python script. Therefore, add the following bit of boilerplate to the top of any scripts that require LaTeX parsing:

import os
from pathlib import Path
os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + str(Path.home() / "bin")

To save some typing, you could instead add this boilerplate to the src/scripts/paths.py file so that these commands get executed whenever that file is imported into your scripts.

Using paths.py within subdirectories#

For complicated workflows, you may wish to organize your scripts directory into subdirectories. However, this creates a problem with using the paths module, since import paths relies on paths.py being in the same directory as your scripts.

In this case, you can simply copy or simlink the paths.py file to whichever subdirectories you need to call it from. Alternatively, you could also add showyourwork as a dependency in environment.yml, and add the following to the top of your scripts:

from showyourwork.paths import user as Paths

paths = Paths()

You can now use paths.data, paths.figures, etc. as usual. See this comment for a brief discussion.

Using LaTeX fonts in matplotlib without installing LaTeX#

If you just want matplotlib to use Computer Modern fonts so that the font in your plots matches the font in your manuscript, you can accomplish this without the full LaTeX installation described above. Just add the following lines to src/scripts/matplotlibrc:

# set font to match LaTeX's Computer Modern
font.family: serif
font.serif: cmr10
mathtext.fontset: cm
axes.formatter.use_mathtext: True # needed when using cm=cmr10 for normal text

Using LaTeX Workshop in VSCode#

If you edit and build your articles in VSCode, you need to specify some settings so that VSCode knows to use showyourwork! to build your document. You can do this by creating (or editing) a workspace-specific settings file, .vscode/settings.json, in the root directory of your repo. At minimum, you should add the following lines:


    # other settings here

    "latex-workshop.latex.external.build.command": "showyourwork",
    "latex-workshop.latex.external.build.args": [],
    "latex-workshop.latex.outDir": "%WORKSPACE_FOLDER%",
    "latex-workshop.view.pdf.viewer": "tab"


This enables you to build the document using LaTeX Workshop: Build LaTeX project in the command palette. Note that the final line tells LaTeX Workshop to open your article pdf in a VSCode tab. Feel free to change tab to browser if you would rather LaTeX Workshop open your article in a browser tab.

If you also want to use LaTeX Workshop’s AutoBuild on save (or on file change), you can add the following lines to the settings file:


    # other settings here

    "latex-workshop.latex.recipe.default": "showyourwork",
    "latex-workshop.latex.recipes": [
            "name": "showyourwork",
            "tools": [
    "latex-workshop.latex.tools": [
            "name": "showyourwork",
            "command": "showyourwork",
            "args": [],
            "env": {}


Figures not getting generated#

If you are getting LaTeX build errors due to a figure not being present, the first thing you should do is check the build logs in .showyourwork/logs/showyourwork.log. Did the figure script get executed? If so, perhaps the figure was saved to the incorrect path (did you remember to save it to src/tex/figures? See paths.py). If the figure script is not being executed, check if you included the appropriate \script command in the figure environment in your manuscript (see LaTeX stuff). One other common pitfall is either a missing figure \label or a duplicate one. Figure nodes in the article graph are labeled according to the figure \label, so defining the same label for two different figures means only one will be indexed by showyourwork!

Missing LaTeX class files#

If your manuscript uses a custom class file that tectonic isn’t able to automatically download (like those required by some journals) you may run into a LaTeX compilation error like this one:

Failed to compile manuscript. Perhaps you forgot to `\usepackage{showyourwork}`?
For more information, check out the log file:

The errors printed to the terminal are often cryptic, but if we open the log file linked above, we can see that the issue is due to a missing class file (in this case, aastex631.cls):

LaTeX2e <2020-02-02> patch level 5
L3 programming layer <2020-03-06>

! LaTeX Error: File `aastex631.cls' not found.

Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: cls)

Enter file name:

Prior to version 0.3.1, showyourwork shipped with class files for some of the major astronomy journals (ApJ, A&A, and MNRAS), so if you were using any of those you were unlikely to run into this error. However, for various reasons (such as issues with long-term maintenance of these classes and better interfacing with Overleaf) we decided it was best to stop automatically providing these class files as of version 0.3.1.

Therefore, articles that define a version of showyourwork greater than or equal to 0.3.1 in showyourwork.yml must provide all the necessary class and auxiliary files in src/tex as git-tracked files. This applies to both articles created using showyourwork setup and articles for which the version in showyourwork.yml is manually upgraded. (It does not apply to articles with older version specs, even if you upgrade your local installation of showyourwork.)

So, if you run into this error, we recommend you download all required files directly from the journal and include them (making sure to git add them) in your src/tex folder.

Branch rename failed#

In versions of showyourwork prior to 0.4.0, users may occasionally run into the following error when attempting to run a third party’s workflow:

This is a bug in showyourwork related to the fact that the default git branch on Overleaf projects is called master, while the default branch on GitHub is called main. This isn’t an issue unless users don’t have the correct credentials to access an Overleaf repository, in which case the git clone silently fails and no master branch is created. If you run into this error, delete or comment out the overleaf: section of the environment.yml workflow config and re-run the workflow, or simply upgrade showyourwork!.