The Snakefile

The Snakefile

This is the file defining the Snakemake workflow for the article build. You can read more about these kinds of files in the Snakemake documentation. The syntax used in this file is a superset of python, meaning it supports almost all the usual python syntax, plus several new directives.

Let’s take a look at the default contents of the Snakefile:

# User config
configfile: "showyourwork.yml"

# Import the showyourwork module
module showyourwork:

# Use all default rules
use rule * from showyourwork

There are several things happening here. First, this line

# User config
configfile: "showyourwork.yml"

tells Snakemake that the configuration file for the workflow is showyourwork.yml (see the showyourwork.yml file). Next,

# Import the showyourwork module
module showyourwork:

imports the showyourwork workflow, and

# Use all default rules
use rule * from showyourwork

tells Snakemake to use all of the rules defined in that workflow (this is similar to a from showyourwork import * command in vanilla python).

You can edit this file to customize your workflow, such as to define custom rule directives to generate figures (see the custom figure scripts example) or to read a programmatically-generated config file (see the many dependencies example).

You can do more advanced stuff, too, but that likely requires an understanding of the showyourwork workflow and what all of its rules do. If you’re interested, have a look at the Developer API page; in principle, all of the rules defined there can be overridden in your workflow.