Custom workflows


We’re constantly adding examples to this page, so please check back soon for more. Or, if you have a request or a workflow you’d like to share, please either open an issue or suggest an edit to this page by clicking the GitHub link at the top.

Default figure generation

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By default, the workflow defined in the Snakefile looks like this:

# User config
configfile: "showyourwork.yml"

# Import the showyourwork module
module showyourwork:

# Use all default rules
use rule * from showyourwork

The default behavior in this workflow is to infer figure dependencies based on the figure labels in the tex file. The following block in ms.tex

        \caption{The Mandelbrot set.}
        % This label tells showyourwork that the script `figures/'
        % generates the PDF file included above

tells showyourwork to execute a script called in the src/figures directory to generated figures/mandelbrot.pdf. To change, supplement, or override this behavior, read on!

Multi-panel figures

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It is possible to include multiple figures within a figure environment, provided they are all generated by the same script:

            Two Koch snowflakes.
        % This label tells showyourwork that the script `figures/'
        % generates the two PDF files included above

If you would like to include figures generated from different scripts in the same figure environment, you’ll have to provide a custom rule (see below).

Static figures

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It is also possible to commit the figure PDF/PNG/SVG/etc directly and tell showyourwork not to try to produce it programmatically. Simply place the figure in the src/static directory:

            A photo of some broccoli.
        % The fact that the figure is in the static directory tells
        % showyourwork not to look for a script that generates this figure

Custom dependencies: datasets

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Download a dataset and make it a dependency of a particular figure:

# Custom rule to download a dataset
rule my_dataset:
        report("src/figures/my_dataset.dat", category="Dataset")
        "curl --output {output[0]}"

Specify this dependency in the configuration file showyourwork.yml:

# Tell showyourwork that `src/figures/`
# requires the file `src/figures/my_dataset.dat` to run
        - my_dataset.dat

Custom dependencies: scripts

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Sometimes we would like to tell showyourwork about script dependencies, such as when our figure script imports something from a locally-hosted script or package. We can do this in the same way as above by specifying a dependency in the configuration file showyourwork.yml:

# Tell showyourwork that `src/figures/`
# depends on `src/figures/utils/`
        - utils/

Custom figure scripts

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Specify a custom script for a figure. Useful when showyourwork can’t automatically determine the figure script, such as when a figure is included outside of a figure environment:

# Subclass the `figure` rule to specify that the figure
# `src/figures/custom_figure.pdf` is generated from the script
# `src/figures/`
use rule figure from showyourwork as custom_figure with:
        report("src/figures/custom_figure.pdf", category="Figure")

Override the internal figure rule completely:

rule custom_figure:
        report("src/figures/custom_figure.pdf", category="Figure")
        "cd src/figures && python"

Expensive figures

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This example is a bit involved, and we’re working on integrating this feature more seamlessly with showyourwork. So stay tuned! It should get significantly easier to do this in the next release of the workflow.

Quite often you may have a figure that is very computationally expensive to run. An example is a posterior distribution plot for an MCMC run, or a plot of an expensive fluid dynamical simulation. If the runtime is more than a few tens of minutes (on a single machine), you probably don’t want to run it on GitHub Actions, even if you rely on showyourwork caching. One strategy to help with this is to specify two separate rules for generating the figure: one that generates it from scratch (by running the simulation), and one that generates it from an intermediate step (i.e., by loading a file containing the simulation results and plotting them directly). Specifically, you can set up the first rule so that it generates the intermediate file and uploads it to the cloud; the second rule downloads that file and plots the figure.

The expensive-figure workflow is an example of how to do this. It takes advantage of the Zenodo API to programmatically upload/download files. The workflow is a bit involved, but it consists of a Snakefile with two rules to produce the same output (a simulation result called simulation_results.dat):

# Custom rule to generate the simulation results and upload them to Zenodo
rule generate_simulation_results:
        report("src/figures/simulation_results.dat", category="Dataset")
        "cd src/figures && python && python --upload"

# Custom rule to download the simulation results from Zenodo
rule download_simulation_results:
        report("src/figures/simulation_results.dat", category="Dataset")
        "cd src/figures && python --download"

The first rule is the one that runs the simulation (you can see that it calls the script and uploads it to Zenodo (python --upload). The second rule simply downloads the simulation (python --download). Both and are located in the src/figures directory for this workflow. Since we now have a rule ambiguity (both rules produce the same output), we need to tell Snakemake the order in which to try to execute these rules. Here’s what we do (still in the Snakefile):

# If we are on GitHub Actions CI, use the rule where we download the data
# If not, use the rule where we generate the data.
import os
ON_GITHUB_ACTIONS = os.getenv("CI", "false") == "true"
    ruleorder: download_simulation_results > generate_simulation_results
    ruleorder: generate_simulation_results > download_simulation_results

This snippet tells Snakemake to download the data if it’s running on GitHub Actions (which always sets the CI environment variable to true) and to generate it instead if it’s running on a local computer.

The next thing we must do is tell showyourwork that the figure script (which we call requires the dataset (simulation_results.dat). We do this in showyourwork.yml, as in the previous examples:

# Tell showyourwork that `src/figures/`
# requires the file `src/figures/simulation_results.dat` to run
        - simulation_results.dat

Finally, we need to provide credentials for accessing the Zenodo API. Create a Zenodo access token and store it somewhere safe (NEVER place it in an unencrypted text file on GitHub, or anywhere public for that matter). If you poke around in, you’ll see that the script tries to read this token from the environment variable ZENODO_TOKEN, so you should either set that variable within your session or export it in your .bashrc or .zshrc shell config file (see, e.g., this link). Then, to ensure things also run properly on GitHub Actions, store it as a repository secret called ZENODO_TOKEN in your repository settings. In order to make this secret available to the workflow, you also need to provide it in the .github/workflows/showyourwork.yml config file, as follows:

- name: Build the article PDF
  id: build
  uses: ./showyourwork/showyourwork-action
    ZENODO_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ZENODO_TOKEN }}

That should do the trick. Again, it’s a bit involved, but you should be able to just copy the relevant files over to your repo and make a few tweaks (like the file names) to get it working in your workflow. Note that you don’t have to change anything in _except_ the file_name, deposit_title, and deposit_description variables toward the bottom of the file. But as we mentioned above, we’re working on dramatically simplifying this workflow, so stay tuned for a much simpler solution!