
Follow the steps below to start a new open source article project with showyourwork. If you already have an existing repository that you’d like to use, please check out the FAQs.


This quickstart tutorial assumes you have a basic familiarity with Git, GitHub, and LaTeX. If you’re not familiar with any of these, check out these introductory resources first:

1. Create a new repo

Click here to generate a fresh GitHub repository from the showyourwork template. You'll be prompted for a repository name, and optionally a description.

GitHub will create a new repository based on showyourwork-template. This should only take a few seconds.

Once you're repository is created, it should look something like this:

If you click on the tab at the top of the page, you'll see that there's a GitHub action called article currently running. This action runs every time a new commit is pushed to the repository to re-compile the article PDF. The first time it runs, it also does a bit of automatic formatting of the repo, including a re-write of the README.md file, so please wait to make edits to your repo until then. The first time the action runs, it needs to download and install conda and all the dependencies, so it usually takes about five minutes.

2. Edit the manuscript online

After about five minutes, refresh the main page of your repository. If the action is done running, you should see a new README.md with badges at the top:

Your repository is now set up, and your article has been compiled into a PDF. Click on the badge on the far right (article pdf) to download it. There shouldn't be much in the pdf:

Navigate to the LaTeX manuscript file src/ms.tex on GitHub and click on the Edit this file button (the pencil icon at the top right of the file). Change the title and author name to whatever you'd like, and commit your changes directly to the main branch. If you click again on the tab, you'll see that your commit triggered another article build. This one should run much faster, since everything is cached across builds. When the action is done running, download your PDF once more and verify that your changes were incorporated.

3. Clone the repository

Editing stuff online is useful for quick changes and easy fixes, but you’ll probably want to do most of your development locally. Open a terminal, navigate to the directory of your choice, and clone your new repository by running

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/<user>/<repo>

where <user> is your GitHub user name and <repo> is the name of your repository. Note the use of the option recurse-submodules: this is necessary because the showyourwork package is included in your repository as a Git submodule.

Edit the manuscript (src/ms.tex) by replacing the verb+blindtext+ command in the abstract with a blurb about your project. After you make these edits, add, commit, and push your changes to GitHub:

git add src/ms.tex
git commit -m "Minor edits to the manuscript"
git push

Navigate to your repository on GitHub, and once again click on the Actions tab to verify that your article is building. Within a few minutes you should have an updated, fully synced PDF of your article.

4. Add a figure

Figures can be included in the article by adding a Python script to the folder src/figures. Create a script called mandelbrot.py in that directory and add the following code to it:

Plot a pretty fractal. Adapted from
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import newaxis
import copy

def compute_mandelbrot(N_max, some_threshold, nx, ny):
    x = np.linspace(-2, 1, nx)
    y = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, ny)
    c = x[:, newaxis] + 1j * y[newaxis, :]
    z = c
    with np.warnings.catch_warnings():
        for j in range(N_max):
            z = z ** 2 + c
        mandelbrot_set = abs(z) < some_threshold
    return mandelbrot_set

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
mandelbrot_set = np.round(1 - compute_mandelbrot(500, 50.0, 601, 401))
tab10 = copy.copy(plt.get_cmap("tab10"))
    extent=[-2, 1, -1.5, 1.5],
fig.savefig("mandelbrot.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")

In the TeX file (src/ms.tex), include this figure within a figure environment:

        \caption{The Mandelbrot set.}

The figure label (fig:mandelbrot) tells showyourwork to look for a script called mandelbrot.py to produce the PDF for this particular figure. No extra directions from the user are needed!

Now add, commit, and push your changes to GitHub:

git add src/figures/mandelbrot.py
git add src/ms.tex
git commit -m "Add a figure"
git push

Navigate to your repository on GitHub, and once again click on the Actions tab to verify that your article is building. Within a few minutes you should have an updated, fully synced PDF of your article with the new rendered figure.

5. Build the repository locally

It’s also useful to be able to build your article PDF locally. To do this, you must have the conda package manager installed; click here if you don’t already have it. Once conda is set up, install mamba and snakemake:

conda install -y -c defaults -c conda-forge -c bioconda mamba snakemake

You now have everything you need to build your article locally. Since showyourwork is at its core just a snakemake workflow, you can build your article by running

snakemake -c1 --use-conda ms.pdf

which tells snakemake to generate the file ms.pdf (your article PDF) using a single core (that’s the c1 option) and inside a conda environment.

The output file ms.pdf will be placed at the root of your repository; it should look very similar to the one generated by the GitHub Action. Note that by default, the various .gitignore files in your repository prevent you from committing this and other output files. Remember the basic philosophy behind showyourwork: the main branch of your article repository should only contain inputs. All output should either be generated on the fly or saved temporarily on the main-pdf branch of your remote repository.

6. Read the docs!

That’s it for this quickstart tutorial. Please check out the rest of the documentation for more information on how to customize your workflow, debug issues, etc.