The showyourwork.yml file

This is the configuration file for showyourwork, allowing you to customize several aspects of the workflow. Below is a list of all available options.


Type: list

Description: List of of files/paths to exclude from the arXiv tarball. By default, showyourwork will never include python scripts, matplotlibrc config files, python and showyourwork temporaries, or .gitignore files in the tarball. It will also automatically exclude datasets that are uploaded to/downloaded from Zenodo. This option is useful if there are other files in your repository – such as static datasets or other kinds of scripts – that don’t need to be included in the tarball. Note that glob syntax is allowed, and all paths should be relative to the root of your repository.

Required: no

Default: []


  - src/data/dataset.dat
  - src/ms.bib
  - src/**/*.sh


Type: bool

Description: Flag indicating whether or not this is a GitHub Actions continuous integration (CI) build. This is set automatically, but can be overridden here for debugging purposes.

Required: no

Default: (inferred automatically)


CI: false


Type: list

Description: List of dependencies for each script. Each entry should be the path to a script (either a figure script or the TeX manuscript itself) relative to the repository root. Following each entry, provide a list of all files on which the script depends. These dependencies may either be static (such as helper scripts) or programmatically generated (such as datsets downloaded from Zenodo). In the latter case, instructions on how to generate them must be provided elsewhere (either via the zenodo key below or via a custom rule in the Snakefile). In both cases, changes to the dependency will result in a re-run of the section of the workflow that executes the script.

Required: no

Default: []

Example: Tell showyourwork that the figure script depends on a helper script called

    - src/figures/utils/

See script dependencies. You can also specify a dependency on a programmatically-generated file:

      - src/data/fibonacci.dat

See dataset dependencies. Finally, dependencies of the manuscript file are also allowed:

      - src/answer.tex

See custom manuscript dependencies.


Type: list

Description: List of recognized figure extensions.

Required: no

Default: [pdf, png, eps, jpg, jpeg, gif, svg, tiff]


  - pdf
  - png


Type: str

Description: Path to the main TeX manuscript. Change this if you’d prefer to name your manuscript something other than src/ms.tex. Note that you should still keep it in the src/ directory. Note also that the compiled PDF will still be named ms.pdf regardless of this setting.

Required: no

Default: src/ms.tex


ms: src/article.tex

See custom manuscript name.


Type: list

Description: List of script extensions and instructions on how to execute them to generate figures. By default, showyourwork expects figure files to be generated by executing figure scripts with python. You can add custom rules here to produce figures from scripts with other extensions, or change the behavior for executing python scripts (such as adding command line options, for instance). Each entry under scripts should be a file extension, and under each one should be a string specifying how to generate the figure file {figure} from the figure script {script}. These two strings are special placeholders recognized by showyourwork – they resolve to the names of the two files, relative to the src/figures directory. Note that the command you specify here will always be executed from within the src/figures directory.

Required: no

Default: []

Example: We can tell showyourwork how to generate figures from Graphviz .gv files as follows:

    dot -Tpdf {script} > {figure}

See non-Python figure scripts.


Type: bool

Description: Use the latest version of tectonic (built from source) instead of the most recent stable version? You shouldn’t normally have to edit this entry.

Required: no

Default: false


tectonic_latest: true


Type: str

Description: Operating system used for choosing which tectonic binary to install (only if tectonic_latest is true). This is usually determined automatically, but can be overridden. Options are x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, x86_64-apple-darwin, or x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.

Required: no

Default: (inferred automatically)


tectonic_os: x86_64-apple-darwin


Type: bool

Description: Enable verbose output? Useful for debugging runs.

Required: no

Default: false


verbose: true


Type: list

Description: A list of datasets to be download from and/or uploaded to Zenodo. Each entry should be the path to a dataset, followed by keys specifying information about the Zenodo deposit. These keys depend on the use case. If the deposit already exists (i.e., it was uploaded manually), then users need only specify the deposit id. If the deposit does not exist, and users would like showyourwork to upload it/download it from Zenodo, they should specify the following keys (most of which are optional): script, title, description, and creators. Finally, if the deposit is a tarball consisting of many datasets, users should also specify the tarball contents. In all cases, a sandbox and a token_name key are also accepted.


If an id is not provided, showyourwork will attempt to generate the dataset by executing the script, but only when running locally. If successful, it will upload the file to Zenodo. As long as the script generating the dataset does not change (and the dataset is not deleted), the script will not be re-run. When running on GitHub Actions, however, the script will never be executed; instead, showyourwork will always download the dataset from Zenodo. The idea here is to prevent the workflow from executing expensive operations on the cloud. In order for this to work, however, a deposit must exist, so you must run your workflow at least once locally before pushing the changes to GitHub.

Required: no

Default: []

Example: See dataset dependencies, simulation dependencies, dependency tarballs, and dependency tarballs (advanced).


Type: list

Description: If <dataset> is a .tar.gz file, users should provide a list of all the files to include in this tarball, which will be automatically generated by showyourwork. Instructions for generating these individual files should be provided separately, either via the script key or via a custom rule in the Snakefile.

Required: yes, but only if <dataset> is a .tar.gz tarball.


Example: See dependency tarballs.


Type: list

Description: A list of creators to be listed on the Zenodo record and associated with the record DOI.

Required: no

Default: The GitHub username of the current user

Example: See simulation dependencies.


Type: str

Description: A detailed description of the file, how it was generated, and how it should be used, to be displayed on the Zenodo record page.

Required: no

Default: "File uploaded from <repository-name>"

Example: See simulation dependencies.


Type: int

Description: The ID of a pre-existing Zenodo deposit. This ID is the number in the URL of a Zenodo record, i.e., 5187276 for showyourwork will attempt to download the dataset <dataset> from this record using curl.

Required: yes, but only if the record exists already


Example: The following snippet

  - src/data/fibonacci.dat:
      id: 5187276

tells showyourwork to download the file fibonacci.dat from the Zenodo deposit at

See dataset dependencies.


Type: bool

Description: A flag telling showyourwork whether to use the Zenodo Sandbox service. This service behaves identically to Zenodo, but files hosted here are wiped on a random basis, so it is intended only for debugging and development purposes. This flag should be set to false when development is complete.

Required: no

Default: false

Example: See simulation dependencies.


Type: str

Description: The path to the python script that generates the <dataset> (or, if <dataset> is a tarball, the script that generates its contents). Note that this must be a python script, even if custom script instructions are provided via the scripts key. To define custom rules for generating the dataset, see the dependency tarballs (advanced) example.

Required: yes, unless a custom rule is provided in the Snakefile


Example: See simulation dependencies.


Type: str

Description: The title of the Zenodo deposit.

Required: no

Default: "<repository-name>:<dataset>"

Example: See simulation dependencies.


Type: str

Description: The name of the environment variable containing the Zenodo access token (or the Zenodo sandbox access token, if sandbox is true). To obtain this token, create a Zenodo account (if you don’t have one already) and generate a personal access token. Make sure to give it at least deposit:actions and deposit:write scopes, and store it somewhere safe. Then, assign your token to an environment variable called ZENODO_TOKEN (or whatever you set token_name to). I export mine from within my .zshrc or .bashrc config file so that it’s always available in all terminals. Finally, to give showyourwork access to Zenodo from GitHub Actions, create a repository secret in your GitHub repository with the same name (i.e., ZENODO_TOKEN) and set its value equal to your Zenodo token.


Never include your personal access tokens in any files committed to GitHub!

Required: no


Example: See simulation dependencies.